Vaxxed Couples Begin ‘Dropping Dead’ from ‘Dual Turbo Cancer’

Vaxxed Couples Begin ‘Dropping Dead’ from ‘Dual Turbo Cancer’

Doctors have issued an emergency alert after seeing a sharp increase in Covid mRNA vaccinated couples dying simultaneously shortly after a “dual turbo cancer diagnosis.”

The couple were all vaccinated at the same time and were later diagnosed with deadly cancers together.

Many doctors are warning that while their patients seem relatively healthy when they are diagnosed with cancer, most are dead within a week.

They warn that the rapid onset of the turbo cancers means the suffers are virtually “dropping dead.”

Doctors have drawn attention to several cases of “dual turbo cancer” diagnoses in the hope of raising awareness among the public.

Feb. 2024 – Grapevine, TX – Tiffany Branum was diagnosed with brain cancer. Months later her husband Scott Branum was diagnosed with brain cancer.

On October 4 2023, Tiffany started feeling bad.

So her husband took her to a hospital, where she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It was cancerous.

Days later, she underwent surgery to have it removed.

Tiffany and Scott were able to make it their son’s last college hockey game.

Then, just days after that, Scott had to be rushed to a hospital.

“All of sudden, devastating right. Scott had a seizure at home and was rushed to the hospital and they discovered he had a tumor. I mean, it’s unreal,” Jones said.

Scott underwent surgery last Thursday. Jones said doctors were able to remove 90% of the tumor.

He’s back home resting. The family is waiting on the pathology results to determine his course of treatment.