Turbo Lung Cancer Soars in Vaxxed Under 40-Year-Olds

Turbo Lung Cancer Soars in Vaxxed Under 40-Year-Olds  Turbo Cancer

Deadly turbo lung cancers have been soaring in people under 40 who have received Covid mRNA vaccines.

Below are a few examples of victims who have been diagnosed with rapidly developing lung cancer after receiving a Covid injection.

38-year-old UK content creator Jules Fielder developed stage 4 lung cancer a few months after two COVID-19 vaccine doses.

38-year-old UK content creator Jules Fielder developed stage 4 lung cancer a few months after two COVID-19 vaccine doses.  Turbo Cancer

At 38, Jules doesn’t look like someone who would be diagnosed with lung cancer and she believe this, coupled with her non-respiratory symptoms, meant she wasn’t diagnosed as quickly as she could have been. She is sharing her experience to help others avoid similar delays.

“I think people would look at me and never believe I have stage 4 lung cancer which has spread to three points in my spine and pelvis but this is my reality.

“I was diagnosed on 5th November after a series of what I now know to be lung cancer symptoms. I had been suffering from back ache, shoulder pain and then developed a lump in my neck. I was totally unaware that any of these were signs of lung cancer and my doctors didn’t piece it together either.

“My backache was put down to sciatica. My shoulder pain was diagnosed as tennis elbow – over the phone – whilst the lump in my neck was dismissed as a cyst or swollen gland that people get when they are run down. I wasn’t happy with this so pushed back and was referred to an ear, nose and throat specialist and this was how I finally started on the path to diagnosis.

“The ENT doctor sent me for an ultrasound and they told me they were taking biopsies. That was when alarm bells started to ring.

“My worst fears were soon confirmed and I was diagnosed with lung cancer. At that point, we didn’t really know what was going on. The person who delivered the news was not a lung cancer specialist and so couldn’t answer any of our questions. I was left fearing the worst.

As a mother, you just think of all the worst scenarios. I thought I was going to die and how was I going to tell my son. It just doesn’t feel real. You just keep asking yourself ‘Is this actually happening to me?’


“Three days later, I had a phone call to tell me the scans showed it had spread to my spine and pelvis. We were completely devastated and so scared. We were still waiting on the results of the biopsies so I still didn’t have a treatment plan. All those worst case scenarios were feeling like they were coming true. All we knew for sure was that it was stage 4 and it felt like the end of the road.

“But then my treatment plan came in. I met my consultant and asked ‘Can anything be done?’ and he said yes! He told me about a targeted therapy that was showing great success, especially in the younger generation, by basically putting my cancer to sleep. And that is what is happening.

“Each day, I take this one little pill – I call it my magic medicine – and every scan since has shown my cancer is stable.

“It doesn’t come without side effects. I think that’s the price you pay for having a drug working so invasively in your system. I have mouthwashes constantly. My skin is cracked and dry because all the oil has been extracted from my body. I have diarrhea, sickness, loss of appetite and fatigue. The list goes on but that’s where your lung nurse comes in. She will make everything more manageable.

I’m now approaching a year since my diagnosis and I have come to peace with it. I do not live with cancer; my cancer lives with me. I am the one in control.

“However, I do still feel angry. I’m not a medical professional so I couldn’t have known that my body was sending out a message. I believe those little jigsaw pieces should have been picked up by a medical professional. I should have been scanned sooner and then my lung cancer could have been found out at a lower stage instead of stage four.

“I think lung cancer is very much associated to men. It has been largely thought of a manly illness, maybe someone who was a heavy smoker, or a man that worked in the asbestos industry.

“I want to break that stigma. And I will do everything in my power to do just that.”

Turbo Lung Cancer in Under 40

Thailand – Dr. Krittai Thanasombatkul was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer in Oct. 2022 died on Dec. 5, 2023.

Thailand – Dr. Krittai Thanasombatkul was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer in Oct. 2022 died on Dec. 5, 2023.  Turbo Cancer

Nov. 30, 2023 – TURBO CANCER – NY – 40-year old Sophia Sheffer was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer in Oct. 2023 & died on Nov. 30, 2023. Dx to death: 1 month.

Nov. 30, 2023 – TURBO CANCER – NY – 40-year old Sophia Sheffer was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer in Oct. 2023 & died on Nov. 30, 2023. Dx to death: 1 month.  Turbo Cancer

Nov. 5, 2023 – 32-year-old Bonginkosi Ntuli, a South African professional soccer player was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer shortly before his unexpected death on Nov. 5, 2023.

Nov. 5, 2023 – 32-year-old Bonginkosi Ntuli, a South African professional soccer player was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer shortly before his unexpected death on Nov. 5, 2023.  Turbo Cancer

Oct. 15, 2023 – Norfolk, UK – 31-year-old Jessica Robinson was told she just had wisdom tooth pain.

She was then diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer and the cancer spread, engulfing her whole left lung as well as her aorta and infusing into her spine.

She died 45 days after cancer diagnosis, on Oct. 15, 2023.

“Family was told that doctors had not been looking for lung cancer because she was too young.”

Oct. 15, 2023 – Norfolk, UK – 31-year-old Jessica Robinson was told she just had wisdom tooth pain.  Turbo Cancer

Oct. 4, 2023 – 36-year-old NY Army National Guard Captain Patrick John Cassidy, who was also a rugby player died after 9 month battle with Stage 4 Lung Cancer.

Oct. 4, 2023 – 36-year-old NY Army National Guard Captain Patrick John Cassidy, who was also a rugby player died after 9 month battle with Stage 4 Lung Cancer.  Turbo Cancer

Oct. 1, 2023 – UK – 29-year-old Hannah Williams died suddenly on Oct. 1, 2023, just 4 months after being diagnosed with Stage 3 Lung Cancer while she was pregnant.

Diagnosis to death: 4 months.

Oct. 1, 2023 – UK – 29-year-old Hannah Williams died suddenly on Oct. 1, 2023, just 4 months after being diagnosed with Stage 3 Lung Cancer while she was pregnant.  Turbo Cancer

Sep. 9, 2023 – Ft. Pierce, FL – 40-year-old Lindsey Porter is a nurse.

She is also a new mom and was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer with brain metastases.

She is also a new mom and was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer with brain metastases.  Turbo Cancer

Sep. 5, 2023 – Glasgow, Scotland – 28-year-old Cheryl Robertson was given a Stage 4 Lung Cancer (ALK-positive) Diagnosis in March 2023 and she died six months later.

She had no smoking history. The lung cancer spread to both her lungs and lymph nodes.

Sep. 5, 2023 – Glasgow, Scotland – 28-year-old Cheryl Robertson was given a Stage 4 Lung Cancer (ALK-positive) Diagnosis in March 2023 and she died six months later.  Turbo Cancer

Aug. 29, 2023 – Aug.29, 2023 – NY – 39-year-old Stefanie Frances Lampf Kennedy, a successful real estate lawyer died on Aug. 29, 2023, from a rare, aggressive lung cancer.

Aug. 29, 2023 – Aug.29, 2023 – NY – 39-year-old Stefanie Frances Lampf Kennedy, a successful real estate lawyer died on Aug. 29, 2023, from a rare, aggressive lung cancer.  Turbo Cancer

Aug. 20, 2023 – Pretoria, South Africa – 24-year-old Angie Oeh, Afrikaans rap sensation died suddenly on Aug. 20, 2023, only 6 days after being diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer.

Aug. 20, 2023 – Pretoria, South Africa – 24-year-old Angie Oeh, Afrikaans rap sensation died suddenly on Aug. 20, 2023, only 6 days after being diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer.  Turbo Cancer

Aug. 18, 2023 – Reno, NV – 29-year-old Ezti Villanueva, who works at the veterinary clinic, was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer after presenting to the ER with a collapsed lung and fluid in her chest.

Aug. 18, 2023 – Reno, NV – 29-year-old Ezti Villanueva, who works at the veterinary clinic, was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer after presenting to the ER with a collapsed lung and fluid in her chest.  Turbo Cancer

July 21, 2023 – Oakville, ON – 40-year-old Anoop Singh, whose wife is a Senior Advisor to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, died on July 21, 2023, after a 7-month battle with Stage 4 Lung Cancer.

July 21, 2023 – Oakville, ON – 40-year-old Anoop Singh, whose wife is a Senior Advisor to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, died on July 21, 2023, after a 7-month battle with Stage 4 Lung Cancer.  Turbo Cancer

At this time, no other physician in the world is publishing detailed clinical accounts of mRNA Induced Turbo Cancers in the COVID-19 Vaccinated – and certainly, no one is even talking about the bizarre and extremely aggressive Turbo Lung Cancers that are presenting at Stage 3 or Stage 4, especially in the age group under 40.

Interestingly, lung cancer is now frequent enough in the COVID-19 vaccinated, that it is either in the top 5 of most frequent Turbo Cancers or very close to it.

Preliminary data shows that these are all Non-small cell lung cancers with an unusually poor prognosis, refractory to all standard treatments.