350,000 votes for the Republican candidate in the 2023 election for Pennsylvania Supreme Court were removed “without reason” according to a bombshell video released by Audit the Vote PA.
The election in question was decided by 200,000 votes, however a total of 350,000 in-person votes for the Republican candidate disappeared without any explanation from the officials.
Have we now reached the point where the authorities do not even attempt to cover up their crimes? This is blatant voter fraud. Well, technically it’s ballot counting fraud. Here is the video released by Audit the Vote PA that demonstrates what happened:
BREAKING: Audit the Vote PA has released a video showing 350,000 in-person votes being removed from the Republican Supreme Court candidate in Pennsylvania with no explanation, leading to the candidate losing by 200k votes. pic.twitter.com/y6Cna43i5y
— Leading Report (@LeadingReport) November 16, 2023
Democrat policies have become so radical, and appeal to so few normal people, that it’s almost as though they gave up on winning the popular vote a few years ago. And yet, this current generation of Democrats haven’t been wiped off the electoral map and consigned to the dustbin of history where they belong.
What is happening here?
Do you remember the time Hillary Clinton introduced her friend George Soros and his interest in getting involved in US elections?
That’s right, not US politics, but US elections.
The Democrats and their masters the globalist elites don’t want you to see this video. They have wiped it from the face of the earth for the most part.
Luckily it was saved by a patriot who understood that one day it would be very important and expose the globalist’s game plan. Watch: