US Congress interviews Peter Daszak; his ties to coronavirus research were deeper than suspected


As Joe Biden met with Xi Jinping on the West Coast, one of China’s favourite scientists, Peter Daszak, had a rough day on the East Coast – where he revealed to Congress that his ties to controversial coronavirus research were deeper than suspected.

US Congress interviews Peter Daszak; his ties to coronavirus research were deeper than suspected

Peter Daszak, head of the controversial EcoHealth Alliance (“EHA”), was summoned to a closed-door, transcribed interview by the House of Representatives Select Subcommittee of the Coronavirus Pandemic, where he was pressed solely by Republican lawmakers and the committee’s bipartisan staff on everything from gain-of-function research to his 2021 trip to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV”).

During his interview on Tuesday, Daszak told the committee that he visited the WIV two years ago, after which he briefed Anthony Fauci – a briefing that came as news to the subcommittee.

Daszak also confirmed for the first time that he had been warned about the extent and potential danger of the coronavirus pandemic before the Chinese Communist Party revealed it to the world, prompting some to wonder why he did not speak out himself.

For months, the Covid Select Committee has sought Daszak’s testimony, given his organisation’s close work on gain of function research in the WIV – which prompted some Republicans such as Representative Morgan Griffith to demand previously that EHA be debarred from federal government contracts. 

The EcoHealth-tied WIV is at the heart of the lab leak theory of covid’s origins, which congressional Republicans have made a priority to investigate. Vanity Fair extensively reported on how EHA, under Daszak, had shoddy finances, delayed reports and transformed into a “government-funded sponsor of risky, cutting-edge virus research in both the US and Wuhan, China.”

Daszak, who showed up to the Hill in an EcoHealth baseball cap, sat for almost ten hours in his closed-to-the-press interview.

Last month, the committee subpoenaed Dr. David Morens, a close advisor to Anthony Fauci who many believe deleted federal Covid-19 records — and who Daszak described as a “mentor” during the interview. 

The above is taken from the article ‘Inside EcoHealth Alliance’s closed-door congressional testimony’ published by The Spectator.  Read the full article HERE.

Featured image: Peter Daszak speaks to media upon arriving with other WHO members to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, 3 February 2021. Source: New York Post.