SCOTUS Rejects ‘Desperate’ Effort To Block Trump From Running For President

SCOTUS Rejects ‘Desperate’ Effort To Block Trump From Running For President

The United States Supreme Court has thrown out a case that sought to block President Donald Trump from running in the 2024 presidential election.

The decision by SCOTUS to dismiss the case comes as Trump surges ahead of all rivals in polling for the 2024 election, opening up a 10 point gap on Democrat Joe Biden, according to recent polls.

Desperate efforts to remove Trump from the upcoming presidential election have ramped up nationwide. The moves come as critics argue the 45th president of the United States is constitutionally disqualified from running for public office.

The SCOTUS declined to hear a challenge from a Republican presidential candidate on Monday. John Anthony Castro, a tax consultant from Texas seeking the Republican presidential nomination, attempted to disqualify Trump from running.

Castro has filed lawsuits against Trump in multiple states to eliminate him from the race.

He has been pinning his hopes on a post-Civil War provision of the 14th Amendment.

The provision says any U.S. official who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution is barred from holding office ever again if they “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or have “given aid or comfort” to insurrectionists.

However, despite claims from the Democrats and their allies in the corporate media, Jan. 6 was not an insurrection.

“The framers of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment specifically designed it to remove overwhelming popular pro-insurrectionists from the ballot,” Castro told the justices in court filings.

“As such, Castro is not simply within the ‘zone’ of interests; Castro is the precise type of person that the framers of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment specifically sought to politically protect while Trump is the precise type of person they sought to disqualify.”

But the nation’s highest court rejected Castro’s appeal of a lower court’s finding that he lacked the constitutional standing to sue Trump over his alleged role in the U.S. Capitol breach.

The justices denied the case without any comment or recorded vote on October 2, which marks the first day of a new nine-month term.

President Trump has not publicly commented on Castro’s desperate lawsuit.

Castro’s petition comes amid several other efforts from left-wing activist groups attempting to use the 14th Amendment to block Trump from appearing on state ballots.

But despite the opposition from lawmakers, activists, and Trump detractors, others warn against using the clause against the 45th president.

Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said the notion puts the Constitution in “grave danger.”

“It would put the decision about who the president is in the hands of local Secretaries of State and Democratic governors, instead of in the hands of the people,” Dershowitz told Just the News in August.

Dershowitz also pointed out in an opinion article last summer that Trump cannot be disqualified under the 14th Amendment’s provision because “the amendment provides no mechanism for determining whether a candidate falls within this disqualification, though it says that ‘Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each house, remove such disability.’”

“A fair reading of the text and history of the 14th Amendment makes it relatively clear, however, that the disability provision was intended to apply to those who served the Confederacy during the Civil War,” he wrote.