This City Just BANNED Pride Flags

This City Just BANNED Pride Flags  Huntington Beach

Voters in Huntington Beach, California made a decision on Thursday to approve a measure that limits the flags allowed to be flown on government property. The approved flags include those representing the United States, California, Orange County, Huntington Beach, POW-MIA, the six branches of the US Armed Forces, and the Olympic flag during the Summer Games. Any other flag can only be displayed with unanimous approval from the City Council.

The measure received 58% support from voters, with 42% in opposition, and only 23% of registered voters participated in the vote. Although not explicitly mentioned, the measure is seen as a response to the previous decision by the City Council to fly the pride flag annually in June.

This issue has become more prominent in American politics since President Joe Biden’s inauguration, further dividing Republicans and Democrats. The vote in Huntington Beach has sparked significant discussion on social media.

LGBTQ activists were NOT happy…

In 2022, the City Council of Huntington Beach shifted towards conservatism by electing multiple Republicans. Despite California’s progressive leanings, Huntington Beach has maintained its status as a stronghold for the Republican Party, especially during the tenure of President Donald Trump.