Macron Recklessly Advocates For World War III


The French President has once again shown that he is a puppet of the globalist establishment.

Macron Recklessly Advocates For World War III

In an interview with the Economist, French President Emmanuel Macron once again repeated his reckless call for sending Western troops to Ukraine even though such a move would launch World War III.

According to Macron, if Russia were to advance into Ukraine, he would consider it ‘legitimate’ to send troops if requested by Kiev.

When directly asked about sending troops to Ukraine, Macron replied “Absolutely. I’m not ruling anything out, because we’re dealing with someone who isn’t ruling anything out.”

Military analysts have been predicting for weeks that Russia could be preparing a massive new offensive, one that Ukraine may not be able to repel due to severe manpower shortages. Indications are that the front may collapse.

“If Russia has decided to go ahead, we will in any case have to ask ourselves this question of sending Western troops,” Macron said. “I have a clear strategic goal: Russia cannot win in Ukraine,” he continued.

“If Russia wins in Ukraine, there will be no security in Europe. Who can claim that Russia will stop there? What kind of security will the other neighboring countries, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, etc. have?”

The French President has once again shown that he is not at all interested in serving the French people, but is merely a puppet of the globalist establishment. Gone are the days of a strong and independent French foreign policy.

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