‘Massive Landslide’: Trump Reaches Out To Robert F. Kennedy Jr About Serving as VP

‘Massive Landslide’: Trump Reaches Out To Robert F. Kennedy Jr About Serving as VP

Trump’s senior campaign staff have reached out to Robert F. Kennedy about serving as his vice president, according to reports, in a move that would result in a “massive landslide” for the Trump/Kennedy ticket and the historical loss that Biden deserves.

“Trump operatives expressed an interest in Kennedy early on, but it was all premature,” said one person familiar with the matter, adding that it was “right out of the box when Bobby announced” in April 2023 he was running for president.

“Anything’s possible. I wouldn’t write it off by any means,” the Trump staffer continued.

Recent polling by Real Clear Politics confirms that a Trump/Kennedy ticket would win over 60% of the vote nationwide. Biden would be a distant second and would suffer a humiliating re-election loss.

NewYorkPost reports: Kennedy, 70, who initially was running as a Democrat but is now an independent, wasn’t interested and has continued to shoot down speculation that he would ever take a job as Trump’s veep.

“I’ve heard the concept. It’s not surprising,” Timothy Mellon, who has donated at least $5 million to Kennedy’s SuperPAC, told The Post.

A second large donor to both Trump and Kennedy said the movement to draft Kennedy — the son of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy who was assassinated while campaigning for president in 1968 in Los Angeles — is still alive in Trump circles.

“It’s very much behind the scenes at this stage. As we progress you might see it bubble up a little bit more,” the donor said. “Bobby can bring new people to the polls.”

RFK is a notable anti-vaxxer, which would make him strange bedfellows with Trump, who famously funded the development of the coronavirus vaccine during the pandemic.

Yet Steve Bannon, a former chief White House strategist for Trump, who remains close to the former president, has also pushed the idea and said in August that a Trump-Kennedy ticket would produce a “massive landslide.”