Smoking Gun Evidence Shows Covid Shots Are ‘Designed to Kill’

‘Smoking Gun Evidence’ Shows Covid Shots Are ‘Designed to Kill’  gene
Turbo Cancer

A leading American attorney has presented “smoking gun evidence” showing that Covid mRNA shots were “designed to kill” as many people as possible.

Attorney Thomas Renz uncovered bombshell evidence that appears to prove that the injections were developed as a depopulation “weapon.”

Renz reviewed the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) ‘Guidance for Industry’ documents and discovered what he believes is “smoking gun evidence” of pre-meditated murder.

“There’s no other conclusion that I can draw … This is the smoking gun evidence that proves they knew that the gene therapy products they masqueraded as ‘vaccines’ had the ability to shed, cause cancer and kill,” he said.

Tom Renz became well known early on during the Covid era for leading federal lawsuits in six US states that challenged shutdowns, mask mandates and the safety of vaccines. He works through the law firm ‘Renz Law’ and regularly publishes articles on his Substack page titled ‘Tom Renz’s Newsletter’.

In an article yesterday, Renz began by explaining that the covid vaccines are not vaccines. “It’s critical that people understand that the covid-19 injections are gene therapy,” he wrote.

He then led his readers through proof that US authorities knew that recipients of covid injections might shed onto others, including those who did not consent to being vaccinated.

Renz then demonstrated how they knew that these injections would cause cancer in 2006, as confirmed by a 2023 study on people with so-called “long covid.”

As if their criminality was not enough, Renz highlighted a science paper that showed their proposed solution to the problem they had created – the cancer caused by covid injections – is another gene therapy product whose recipients also have the potential to shed causing illness in others.

“This shows conspiracy,” Renz concluded.

Renz has been warning the public for some time that the so-called “vaccines” are actually gene therapy products.

Big Pharma and global governments knew these gene therapy products could cause cancer, even years after the injection, Renz wrote.

A document published, again, by the FDA, HHS and CBER in 2006 showed that gene therapy products carry the risk of adverse effects on normal cell function, which could be delayed for months or years, and integration of genetic material into recipients’ genomes:

Study subjects exposed to gene transfer technology may be at risk of delayed adverse events … persistent biological activity could have adverse effects upon normal cell function, placing subjects at risk for development of adverse events, some of which may be delayed by months or years.

Factors likely to increase the risk of delayed adverse events following exposure to gene transfer technology include persistence of the viral vector, integration of genetic material into the host genome, prolonged expression of the transgene, and altered expression of the host’s genes … Integration of genetic material from a viral vector into the host cell genomic DNA raises the risk of malignant transformation.

Prolonged expression of the transgene may also be associated with long-term risks resulting from unregulated cell growth and malignant transformation, autoimmune-like reaction to self-antigens, and unpredictable adverse events. Altered expression of the host genes could also result in unpredictable and undesirable biologic events. [Emphasis added]

Guidance for Industry: Gene Therapy Clinical Trials – Observing Subjects for Delayed Adverse Events, November 2006, pg. 2 and 3

Malignant transformation” is the process by which cells acquire the properties of cancer.  In other words, when cells are converted into cancer cells.

The fact-checkers will tell you until they’re blue in the face that the injections do not affect or change your DNA, Renz wrote. “Clearly, that is false.”

In addition to the above, Renz pointed to a 2023 study which analysed the cellular DNA of people suffering from “long covid.”

The authors found genes uniquely specific to the Pfizer covid BNT162b2 “vaccine” in participants’ blood cells. “Their findings prove that mRNA covid vaccines permanently integrate into the DNA of some covid-vaccinated people,” he said.  He continued:

“Simply put, the regulatory agencies knew that these products could integrate into the host genome, cause cancer (malignant transformation), autoimmune disorders and adverse events years after the fact. Also, consider that even when these products do not integrate into the genome, the continual exposure due to the shedding (discussed above) may increase the risk of cancer.”

The Covid Injections are Designed to Kill

These injections are designed as killing machines and were distributed knowing that they would shed and kill people, Renz wrote.

“They created a gene therapy product, marketed it as a ‘vaccine’ then schemed, coerced, bribed and lied to get it into as many arms as possible.”

“They knew it could cause cancer – years after injection – and now that there is an epidemic of cancer, amazingly they have a ‘solution’ ready to go,” he added.

And “their solution is another gene therapy product that sheds!”

As proof, he highlighted a paper published in the journal Nature Cancer Gene Therapy in 2015 which stated:

The rapidly changing field of gene therapy promises a number of innovative treatments for cancer patients. Advances in genetic modification of cancer and immune cells and the use of oncolytic viruses and bacteria have led to numerous clinical trials for cancer therapy, with several progressing to late-stage product development.

This article discusses the different types of CGT [Cancer gene therapy] cancer products that OCTGT [Office of Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies] regulates …

CGT products present the possibility of viral or bacterial shedding, that is, excretion/secretion of viral particles or bacteria that could be transmitted to other individuals. Although product-based viruses and bacteria may not be as infectious or as virulent as the parent strain of a virus or bacterium, the possibility of transmission raises safety concernsAn analysis of data collected from patients in clinical gene therapy trials demonstrated that shedding of viral vectors occurs in practice, and is mainly determined by the type of vector and the route of vector administration. A qualitative model presented in the study can help to determine the risk of shedding occurring via the different excretion routes.

Husain, S., Han, J., Au, P. et al. Gene therapy for cancer: regulatory considerations for approval. Cancer Gene Ther 22, 554–563 (2015).

This is beyond lack of informed consent, Renz wrote.

“This shows a conspiracy.”