First American Hostage Released by Hamas is Tied to Hunter Biden’s Corrupt Art Peddling

First American Hostage Released by Hamas is Tied to Hunter Biden’s Corrupt Art Peddling

An American is finally coming home after being captured by the ruthless terrorist group Hamas.

It turns out, there are only a few degrees separation between the released prisoner and the Biden administration.

According to reports, the great-aunt of the youngest American prisoner rescued by Hamas is tied to the controversial art deals of Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son.

Ms. Elizabeth Hirsch Naftali, the great-aunt in question, is said to have bought paintings from Hunter Biden before being named to the United States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad by Joe Biden.

According to the Real Deal, “the biggest portion of Hunter Biden’s art sales went to a mystery buyer of 11 artworks for $875,000.”

“Among Hunter Biden’s art buyers is Kevin Morris, a wealthy lawyer who reportedly lent him $2 million to pay off back taxes, Business Insider reported,” the publication added. “It’s not known whether Morris was the top buyer in the most recent sale.”

The relationship between Naftali and the Biden administration was reported on X by Real Clear Investigations’ Benjamin Weingarten, raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and nepotism inside the Biden administration.

“So you’re telling me that the great-aunt of the youngest American hostage — and first American — to be released by Hamas is a buyer of Hunter Biden’s art, who was then appointed by Joe Biden to the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad?” Weingarten, editor at large at The Federalist, remarked.

“The swap of hostages for jihadists is likely to prove disastrous for Israel,” he continued.  “What this little girl endured and will endure for the rest of her life is unthinkable — as is the case for all the hostages and their families.”

“That the Bidens’ corruption makes this fact pattern at all salient is nauseating and disgusting,” he commented.

It’s unclear if Naftali bought Hunter’s painting before or after she was appointed to the committee. The fact that Hunter’s former business colleague, Eric Schwerin, was previously nominated to the same committee by President Obama adds to the problem.

Hunter’s improbably lucrative painting career was investigated by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability in July, with an emphasis on its ostensible use for selling influence and access to the White House.

Despite White House assurances that the identities of Hunter Biden’s art purchasers would be kept private, it was revealed that Democrat donor Elizabeth Hirsch Naftali, who had purchased at least one piece of Hunter Biden’s artwork, had been appointed to Joe Biden’s Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad.

James Comer (R-KY) wrote to Naftali to inquire about her purchase of Hunter’s artwork, her nomination to the Commission, and the White House’s participation in the sale of his artwork.

The probe focused on the apparent collapse of the structure implemented to shield off Hunter’s commercial operations from his father’s administration. The ethical issues were heightened by the fact that Hunter had previously assisted in elevating his business associate, Eric Schwerin, to the same panel during Joe Biden’s administration.

The Committee also looked into the Biden family’s international and domestic influence-peddling operations, including the President’s son’s selling of high-priced artwork. George Bergès, Hunter Biden’s art dealer, had not replied to the Committee’s demands for interviews and information regarding the art transactions.

The probe was part of a larger investigation into how the Biden family and their associates obtained millions of dollars from foreign sources, sometimes utilizing third parties to obscure the source and origin of the cash, while offering nothing of concrete value in return.

It turns out, that even a hostage release appears to be just another case of blatant corruption for the Biden administration.