Lindsey Graham: UN Is Most ‘Antisemitic Body On The Planet’ For Passing Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Resolution

Lindsey Graham: UN Is Most ‘Antisemitic Body On The Planet’ For Passing Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Resolution

Sen. Lindsey Graham has blates the United Nations as the “most antisemitic body on the planet” following the passing of a resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

The UN General Assembly passed a nonbinding resolution that called for a “humanitarian truce” in Gaza was adopted by the 193-member world body on Friday in a 120-14 vote and was the UN’s first response to the war.

An enraged Graham told Fox News’ Sean Hannity: “Let me just tell you about the UN right now, it is the most antisemitic body on the planet”

The South Carolina Republican contined: “To ask Israel to have a ceasefire after their people were slaughtered more viciously than the Nazis, having children beheaded, women raped in front of their parents; the UN is wrong,”

The NYPost reports: The resolution was approved after Hamas terrorists killed more than 1,400 Israelis in the sickening Oct. 7 attack on the Jewish state.

“Here’s when will have a ceasefire — when Hamas ceases to be a threat to Israel,” Graham said. “Then and only then will we have a ceasefire.”

The US, Israel, five Pacific island nations and four European countries all voted against the Arab-drafted resolution.

A Canadian amendment to the UN resolution that was supported by the US would have unequivocally condemned the Hamas terrorist attacks and demanded the immediate release of hostages held by Hamas, but that proposed change was rejected when it failed to get two-thirds majority.

Israel has vowed to continue waging war until all the hostages are freed and Hamas terrorist capabilities are destroyed.

The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry has claimed more than 7,000 Palestinians have been killed in retaliatory airstrikes from Israel.

Graham also threatned to wipe Iran of the map, the Mail Online reported: Graham pushed a Republican talking point blaming President Joe Biden for paying Iran $6 billion for the release of five hostages that they say is now being used to fund Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

‘When someone wants to cut your throat, do not buy them a knife,’ Graham said at Friday’s conference.

‘In case they’re watching in Iran tonight, here’s what I want you to know – If you escalate this conflict, unleash Hamas in the north on Israel, if you attack one more American, kill one American soldier, we’re gonna blow you off the map,’ he warned.

Graham added: ‘We’re going to destroy your oil fields. You will be out of the oil business.’