Proclaims Israeli Prime Minister Following Devastating Assault on Southern Israel “We Are at War”


Israel’s national rescue service, Magen David Adom, reported a death toll of at least 300, making this the deadliest attack on southern Israel in years.

Proclaims Israeli Prime Minister Following Devastating Assault on Southern Israel “We Are at War”

On October 7, 2023, Israel found itself plunged into sudden conflict as Hamas, the Islamist militant group, executed an unforeseen and fierce offensive against Israeli territories.

The Attack Begins

The day commenced with alarm as terrorists breached Israeli borders, targeting both homes and civilians. Israel was soon inundated with thousands of rockets launched from the Gaza Strip, a move that the Hamas openly claimed responsibility for. These rocket attacks sent sirens wailing across southern and central Israel, including its capital, Jerusalem.

In response, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) swiftly declared a “state of alert for war”. Within hours, they reported multiple infiltrations, with terrorists entering Israel by sea, air, and land.

The Escalation

the Islamist militant group, executed an unforeseen and fierce offensive against Israeli territories.

By late afternoon, the IDF stated that around 3,000 rockets had targeted Israel. This marked one of the most intense rocket barrages from Gaza in recent history. The nature and scale of the attack were such that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proclaimed, “we are at war.” He convened an emergency security meeting, after which Defense Minister Yoav Gallant authorized the mobilization of Israel’s reservists.

Gallant made Israel’s position clear by stating that Hamas had “made a grave mistake” and emphasized that “the state of Israel will win this war.”

A Historical Perspective

Hamas’s control over Gaza commenced in 2007. Since then, the region has witnessed multiple conflicts between Israel and Hamas. However, the latest episode is unprecedented due to the direct infiltration by Hamas terrorists into Israeli towns – a tactic not seen before at this scale.

Ground Situation

Ground Situation
The day commenced with alarm as terrorists breached Israeli borders, targeting both homes and civilians.

Hamas’s surprise attack commenced with a statement from their military leader, Mohammad Deif, broadcasted on their media outlets. In his address, Deif stated that over 5,000 rockets had been aimed at Israel in the attack’s initial 20 minutes. He urged Palestinians everywhere to engage in battle and described it as the “greatest battle to end the last occupation on earth.”

As retaliation, Israel initiated airstrikes in Gaza. Meanwhile, on the ground in Israel, the IDF advised civilians in proximity to Gaza to remain sheltered and those in southern and central areas to be near shelters. Reports emerged of terrorists targeting pedestrians in the southern Israeli town of Sderot and videos surfaced showing Palestinian terrorists driving vehicles in rural areas.

Residents shared their terrifying experiences. A Sderot inhabitant recounted the chilling atmosphere in her town, with the constant sound of gunfire and missiles blurring into a continuous, indistinct noise. Another resident from Beeri Kibbutz described hearing gunshots from her bomb shelter.

In the midst of this chaos, there were reports of terrorists taking control of some houses in the Israeli town of Netiv HaAsara.

Casualty Count

Casualty Count
Amidst the sudden escalation, the casualty count rapidly increased.

Amidst the sudden escalation, the casualty count rapidly increased. Israel’s national rescue service, Magen David Adom, reported a death toll of at least 300, making this the deadliest attack on southern Israel in years. Many more were seriously injured.

International Response:

International Response: UN

In the wake of the sudden and intense escalation of violence initiated by Hamas, the international community has been quick to respond, voicing both concern and condemnation.

– United Nations:

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed his deep concern over the sudden flare-up of violence, urging both parties to immediately cease hostilities. The UN Security Council convened an emergency meeting to address the situation, with many member nations advocating for a swift return to the negotiation table.

President Joe Biden condemned the Hamas attacks, reiterating America's unwavering support for Israel's right to defend itself. At the same time, he emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety of civilians on both sides and called for a de-escalation of hostilities.

– United States:

President Joe Biden condemned the Hamas attacks, reiterating America’s unwavering support for Israel’s right to defend itself. At the same time, he emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety of civilians on both sides and called for a de-escalation of hostilities.

– European Union:

The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, expressed alarm at the unfolding situation. He stated that the rocket attacks by Hamas are unacceptable and that civilians must be protected. The EU emphasized the need for immediate restraint and a return to dialogue.

– Arab League:

The Arab League, while condemning the rocket attacks, also called on the international community to intervene and ensure the protection of Palestinians. They urged both parties to halt aggressions and renew peace talks.

Across the globe, various protests and rallies have also erupted, showcasing solidarity with either Israel or Palestine, indicating the far-reaching implications of this conflict and the deeply rooted emotions it evokes worldwide.

While the international community appears divided in their stance, the overarching sentiment is a collective call for peace, restraint, and protection of civilian life. The hope is that diplomatic interventions will help mitigate further loss and steer the region towards a peaceful resolution.

The Broader Context

The Broader Context

The severity of the attack on Jerusalem was seen by Israel as a significant escalation. The IDF placed the onus squarely on Hamas and declared that they would face the repercussions of their actions. As a response to the attack, the IDF launched “Operation Swords of Iron.”

While the situation unfolds, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group announced its support for Hamas, further intensifying the situation.

The sudden and fierce conflict marks one of the gravest escalations in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in recent years, the outcomes of which remain uncertain.