Canada Announces BAN on Podcasts by Independent Creators

Canada Announces BAN on Podcasts by Independent Creators

Justin Trudeau’s regime has announced a nationwide ban on podcasts by independent creators in Canada.

Under new measures being rolled out across Canada, authorities will require all podcasts to be regulated by the government. Users who subscribe to podcasts will also be monitored and tracked via a central government database.

The plan is the latest tactic seeking to erradicate dissenting, non-mainstream opinions from the Canadian population.

A few months ago, Canada’s Bill C-18, the Online News Act, became law and placed strict restrictions on news in the country. reports: Bill C-18 limits online news to corporate media outlets by placing a price on links to content, a so-called “link tax,” to reduce the reach of independent sources.

Trudeau also previously froze the bank accounts of protesting truckers in Canada.

The World Economic Forum-tied leader’s government declared that being “pro-Trump” was a factor they would use to freeze accounts.

“The CRTC now wants to regulate podcasts,” said the Toronto Sun’s Brian Lilley.

“Here is my simple message to them. Go to hell.”

Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Paterson, a popular international podcaster, responded to the recent move on Twitter/X.

“Not a f**king chance,” Peterson said.

“You censorial Scumrat.”

CRTC’s announcement states that podcasters meeting certain criteria “need to provide information about their activities in Canada.”

Online streaming services operating in Canada, that offer audio or video content that generates $10 million or more in annual revenues, must complete a registration form by November 28.

It’s pitched as a one-time requirement for collecting basic information.

“Second, the CRTC is setting conditions for online streaming services to operate in Canada,” the announcement states.

“These conditions take effect today and require certain online streaming services to provide the CRTC with information related to their content and subscribership.”

Furthermore, CRTC stated that another ongoing consultation will address how podcasters and those offering video streaming services contribute to Canadian and Indigenous content.

There is now no freedom of speech for ordinary Canadians and access to news.

Meanwhile, Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has also initiated the process of ending news availability in Canada.

The company is making the change after the Canadian government passed the Online News Act (Bill C-18).

Canadian news outlets and publishers will no longer be able to share their news links and content with the Canadian audience.

The same applies to international news outlets; while they will continue to post their news links and content, the content will not be visible to people in Canada.

The changes mean that people in Canada will no longer be able to view or share news content on Facebook and Instagram.

The availability of Meta’s services will remain unchanged for users outside of Canada.