Trudeau ‘trying to crush free speech’ with new podcast rules, Musk says

Trudeau 'trying to crush free speech' with new podcast rules, Musk says.
regulate streaming services that offer podcasts

Elon Musk blasted the Justin Trudeau government on Sunday for its “shameful” decision to regulate streaming services that offer podcasts in Canada.

“Trudeau is trying to crush free speech in Canada,” the owner of X posted on his social-media site in a reply to journalist Glenn Greenwald. “Shameful.”

Greenwald, the co-founder of The Intercept, said in his post to X that Canada is now “armed with one of the world’s most repressive online censorship schemes.”

The two were responding to changes announced on Friday by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunication Commission, which plans to “modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework and ensure online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content.”

Among the changes are requiring certain streaming services to provide information about their activities and setting conditions for streaming services to operate in Canada, including providing details about their content and subscribership.

The second change is already in effect, the CRTC said on its website, while companies that need to provide information about their activities must do so by Nov. 28.

A third consultation tied to Canadian and Indigenous content is ongoing, the CRTC said.