Did Eminem Say He Will Leave America If Trump Becomes President? Here’s The Truth

Did Eminem Say He Will Leave
America If Trump Becomes
President? Here's The Truth

Amid claims circulating on social media that rapper Eminem has said that he will leave the US if Donald Trump is elected president in November, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. reacted by making fun of the rapper for his supposedly similar facial features to Ellen DeGeneres. However, shortly after the X community fact-checked the claims, pointing out that Eminem never said anything to that effect

Users on X pointed out that similar rumours about other popular celebrities, such as Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus, also circulated, but they turned out to be false. They said that there has been no evidence or reporting to suggest that Eminem said he will leave the US if Trump is elected in November. However, it is important to note that the 51-year-old rapper does not view the incumbent Republican nominee in a positive light. In a clip shared on the @Rising_path TikTok page, Eminem expressed his frustration while discussing Trump.

He mentioned having so many critiques of the businessman that he often feels “flustered in my head” trying to articulate his thoughts.
He slammed the former president with an expletiveladen rap video message at the 2017 BET Awards. He called Trump a “racist 94-year-old grandpa” who will “get rid of all immigrants.”