World Health Assembly Meets in Geneva to Propose Global “Pandemic Treaty”

World Health Assembly Meets in Geneva to Propose Global “Pandemic Treaty”

The World Health Assembly, an annual conference sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), is currently meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, to agree on new international health regulations regarding pandemics. The conference began on May 27 and will last until Saturday, June 1.

The WHO and its 194 member nations are attempting to finalize a “pandemic treaty” after years of deliberations following the COVID-19 pandemic. Various regulatory matters are being debated and amended, as summarized by The Brownstone Institute.

Critics of the organization oppose the new regulations, with new groups like Action on World Health being promoted by world leaders such as British conservative leader Nigel Farage. In an X post, AWH criticizes the WHO: “Founded on noble principles, the WHO has repeatedly let the world down. It costs too much, fails too often and now the ‘Pandemic Treaty’ threatens national sovereignty.”

Weeks ago, Farage wrote an opinion article in The Telegraph, taking aim at “the bureaucrats who think they run the world.”

While the vote on the pandemic treaty has been delayed, WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus spoke optimistically about the prospect of regulations passing before the conference ends: “This is not a failure, even when I fail, by the way, many times, I try to learn what happened and then move on. Failure doesn’t stop us.”

The Rockefeller Foundation posted on X, encouraging “financing solutions” and claiming that billions around the world have health risks due to climate change.

In a statement on financing climate-health solutions, the Foundation says: “To address this climate-health crisis, countries can’t wait until the next emergency. They must respond proactively, and they need the resources to do this.”

According to the Foundation’s websitethey give around $500,000 annually to the WHO.

Academic sources have for years pointed to increased globalization and international travel as a requirement for global pandemics, with a 2020 study stating that “pandemics are only possible because of international travel.”