Since the FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 vaccines, over 1 million excess deaths have been recorded among people aged 65 and over, according to statistics published by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Statistics published by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveal that over one million excess deaths have been recorded among people aged 65 and over since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 vaccines.
The FDA first granted EUA for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on December 11, 2020, followed by the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on December 18, 2020, and the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine on February 27, 2021. Elderly individuals were among the first to be offered the COVID-19 vaccine.
During the first 20 weeks of 2021, 150,085 excess deaths were recorded among people aged over 65 compared to the 2015 to 2019 five-year average. From week 21 to week 40 of 2021, an additional 165,387 excess deaths were recorded among people aged 65 and over, bringing the total excess deaths for the year to 448,740.
In 2022, 371,466 excess deaths were recorded among those aged over 65. In 2023, 257,415 excess deaths were recorded among those aged 65 and over, with the most recent data released by the CDC confirming 5,482 excess deaths were recorded in week 1 of 2024.
In total, 1,069,943 excess deaths were recorded among people aged over 65 from the first time they were offered the COVID-19 vaccine to week 1 of 2024. This is a significant increase in excess deaths compared to the 2015-2019, five-year average, raising questions about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines.
In the USA, individuals over the age of 65 have been offered several COVID-19 vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). These vaccines were initially prioritized for older adults, among others, due to their alleged higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
The high number of excess deaths among the elderly since the EUA for COVID-19 vaccines suggests that the vaccines may not be as safe and effective as claimed. The CDC’s quietly published figures raise concerns about the safety of the vaccines and their potential role in the high number of excess deaths among the elderly.
Then from week 21 to week 40 of 2021, an astounding 165,387 excess deaths were recorded among people aged 65 and over. This brought the total excess deaths from week 1 to week 40 of 2021 to 315,472 among those most likely to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
The remainder of 2021 saw 133,268 excess deaths recorded. Bringing the total excess deaths for the year among the over 65’s to 448,740.
The year 2022 improved slightly, but still saw a shocking amount of excess deaths with 371,466 recorded among those aged over 65.
And in the year 2023, 257,415 excess deaths were recorded among those aged 65 and over, with the most recent data released by the CDC confirming 5,482 excess deaths were recorded in week 1 of 2024.