Iran Denies Involvment With Drone Attack In Jordan, Pentagon Holds Them Responsible

Iran Denies Involvment With Drone Attack In Jordan, Pentagon Holds Them Responsible

So, the Iranian Foreign Ministry is playing the blame game.

Denying they were responsible for the attack that took 3 lives and wounded 30 American troops.

It wasn’t them but they say it was done by militias that were loyal to Tehran.

ABC News reports on this:

The Iranian Foreign Ministry denied on Monday that the country was behind an attack that killed three American service members at a U.S. base in Jordan on Sunday.

Thirty-four American service members were also injured in the drone attack near the Syrian border, according to U.S. officials.

Nasser Kanaani, an Iranian ministry spokesperson, on Monday said accusations that Iran was behind the attack amounted to a “repetition of baseless accusations.”

“The groups in the region do not take orders from Iran,” Kanaani said. “War is not a solution. An immediate cease-fire in Gaza can lead to the return of peace.”

The Times adds:

The US does not want a war with Iran, the White House has said as it prepares to retaliate for the attack on its base in Jordan that killed three servicemen.

John Kirby, the spokesman for the US National Security Council, promised a “very consequential response” to the incident, which Washington blames on Islamist militias supported by Iran.

However, he sought to downplay the prospect of a large-scale battle with the Iranian regime, telling CNN: “We don’t seek a war with Iran. We’re not looking for a wider conflict in the Middle East.”

He said Washington wanted to make clear that Sunday’s drone attack — the latest in a series of assaults by Iran-backed militants in the region — was “unacceptable”.

Kirby’s comments came after Iran denied any direct connection with the strike but appeared to confirm it was carried out by militias loyal to Tehran.

“Iran had no connection and had nothing to do with the attack on the US base,” a statement attributed to the Iran mission to the United Nations said. “There is a conflict between US forces and resistance groups in the region, which reciprocate retaliatory attacks.”

Biden promised reprisals over the attack, which he said was orchestrated by groups operating in Syria and Iraq.

“We will carry on their [service members’] commitment to fight terrorism. And have no doubt — we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner of our choosing,”(Biden) said on Sunday.

Let’s check in on the Pentagon and see what they think:

Here’s a clip from 2020.

You know might remember this one.

The one where Biden states Trump will get us into war with Iran:

And lest we forget, Iran was chanting ‘Death to America’. Here’s this clip:

That’s 6 billion dollars Biden gave them.

So who was really behind the attack?

An inside job so there’s an excuse to go to war with Iran?

Is Iran simply lying?

At this point, anything is plausible.

No idea or suggestion is too outlandish anymore.