Tucker Carlson: “The First Amendment Is Done” – WATCH

Tucker Carlson: “The First Amendment Is Done” – WATCH

Tucker Carlson sat down with social media influencer Douglass Mackey, who was sentenced last month on a charge of Conspiracy Against Rights for sharing a Hillary Clinton meme, to talk about how the First Amendment in America is becoming a thing of the past.

Mackey was convicted of posting a meme on Twitter, telling supporters of Hillary Clinton they could vote for her by text message or social media.

On November 1, 2016, Mackey posted an image of a black woman with an “African Americans for Hillary” sign.

The post stated:

“Avoid the Line. Vote from Home,” “Text ‘Hillary’ to 59925,” and “Vote for Hillary and be a part of history.”

The meme said in small print:

“Must be 18 or older to vote. One vote per person. Must be a legal citizen of the United States. Voting by text is not available in Guam, Puerto Rico, Alaska, or Hawaii. Paid for by Hillary For President 2016.”

The post included the hashtag “#ImWithHer,” which was used to support Clinton in her failed attempt at the White House.

Tucker Carlson recently called the trial “the single greatest assault on free speech and human rights in this country’s modern history.”

In his newest Episode, Tucker Carlson flatly stated the “First Amendment” is done.

“If someone had told you even ten years ago that you could be indicted by the federal government and go to prison for ten years for making fun of Hillary Clinton on social media, you would not have believed it,” said Carlson in his opening monologue Thursday night.

“It’s a free country. We have free speech.”

“But it turns out not only is that possible, it has likely become much more common because the actual war is over information.”

“One of its first casualties is a man called Doug Mackey, who during the 2016 election made fun of Hillary Clinton on Twitter,” he said.

“And then a few years later, [he] found himself the subject of a federal raid, an indictment, and then a conviction.”

“It’s a shocking story. It’s hard to believe it’s happening in this country, but it is.”

“And to prove it, Doug Mackey joins us now.”
