A U.S. military official has blown the whistle on how banks across America are about to close down and the 2024 Presidential election is going to be cancelled.
According to Col. Douglas MacGregor, there is about to be a “sudden” closure of all major banks in the U.S. which will last for up to 3 weeks.
During a recent appearance on Patrick Bet-David’s podcast, Col. MacGregor also revealed that the 2024 election will be cancelled due to Martial Law being imposed.
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) June 29, 2023
Col. Douglas MacGregor doesn’t think we’ll even get to the 2024 election.
"I think we'll wake up one day and the banks will be closed for 2-3 weeks. No one will be able to get into them."
👉 @DailyNoahNews pic.twitter.com/yTe7AiAfti
100percentfedup.com reports: Very interesting that just last week I brought you this same news from Glenn Beck.
Remember this?
Keep reading to see huge confirmation that what I’ve been reporting is dead-on accurate.
And scroll down to the bottom to see what YOU can do to stay safe when if/when this crash comes:
Glenn Beck: “Monday, You Could Wake Up And The Banks Would ALL Be Closed”
Heads up folks…
I keep sounding the alarm on this because it’s big.
Really big.
And it could change your life overnight.
That’s not my words, that’s Glenn Beck, his guest Carol Roth, even NPR has confirmed.
And when do Glenn Beck and NPR agree on anything?
I’ve been warning you about this for a long time.
So has Bo Polny.
And I’m going to continue to do so.
Let’s jump right in to this latest video from Glenn Beck interviewing Carol Roth.
It’s only about 15 minutes long but you need to see it.
If the dollar falls, your life will change overnight.
And speaking of things changing overnight, Glenn says we’re at the point where literally you could wake up Monday morning and find all the banks closed.
Watch here:
I know a lot of you like when I post a written transcript so I’ve got that for you here — but then scroll down past the transcript because I have a LOT more to show you.
I’m only getting started.
I’ll connect a bunch more dots for you down below that you need to see.
It’s all coming together: the end of the SWIFT system, XRP, crypto, gold, silver, the fall of the Petrodollar, the end of the FRN, Titanic to Titan…the end of the Federal Reserve, Bretton Woods, Bretton Woods 2.0?
Everything is converging right now, a 100-year event is about to play out.
Now if you’re a little confused about why the U.S. Dollar is so important, you need to see this.
It’s the “petrodollar” and it’s the reason we have such a high standard of living here in the USA.
But when it falls?
Worse than the Great Depression — and here’s that word again: overnight.
Watch this and I think you’ll understand:
The standard of living in America will FALL OVERNIGHT if the petrodollar falls…
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) June 24, 2023
"Worse than the Great Depression"
Watch: pic.twitter.com/bBbq9TI0oP
And here is NPR of all places, confirming exactly what Glenn Beck, Bo Polny, me and so many others have been telling you:
The dollar is the world’s currency: It dominates global business.
The dollar is surging. This is who gets helped — and hurt — by its newfound strength
Economists call it the “global reserve currency,” a fancy title the dollar got about 80 years ago that has brought some pretty serious perks to the U.S. economy.
But could the dollar get knocked off the top spot? There are challengers emerging, and history shows that countries whose currency dominated the globe can fall from that top spot pretty fast … even over the course of a few days.
How it started: timing + muscle + lots of gold
The U.S. dollar did not luck its way into the top spot.
It was a carefully engineered plan that unfolded in the mountains of New Hampshire nearly 80 years ago. At the time the British Pound Sterling was the international currency. A title it had held for decades.
The dollar’s rise happened pretty suddenly at the Bretton Woods International Monetary Conference in 1944. Bretton Woods was a gathering of world leaders at the end of World War II. They came together to try and establish an international system for trade and finance, to help bind the world together and increase prosperity for all.