Iran-Backed Hezb’Allah Shelling Northern Israel, Antitank Missile Fired From Lebanon, IDF Launches Strikes

Iran-Backed Hezb’Allah Shelling Northern Israel, Antitank Missile Fired From Lebanon, IDF Launches Strikes

Hezb’Allah is an Iranian proxy. Biden funded Iran.

Air raid sirens sound in western Galilee. Israel reported shelling from Lebanon and Syria which it has responded to with its own air strikes.

The IDF launches strikes on Lebanon after Hezbollah fires anti-tank missile at border post. Hospital in north moves patients underground; IDF steps up efforts to kill senior Hamas leaders as it strikes Gaza on an ‘unprecedented’ scale; no new infiltrations in last 2 days. (Times of Israel).

On a side note, Hezbollah? Why does Western media spell Hezb’Allah (Party of Allah) wrong? To eliminate the motive and root cause of their holy war?

Antitank missile fired at Israel from Lebanon

IDF confirms: Antitank missile launched towards IDF post on Lebanese border.

By: Israel National News, Oct 11, 2023:

At approximately 10:30a.m. on Wednesday morning, a missile was launched from Lebanese territory towards Israel.

Confirming the launch, the IDF said, “A short while ago, a launch of an anti-tank missile from Lebanon toward a military post adjacent to the community of Arab Al-Aramshe on the Lebanese border was identified.”

Minutes before the launch, an IDF spokesman had issued a media statement, saying, “Hezbollah is examining what Israel is doing in Gaza and sees the magnitude of the destruction, and what Israel is doing in its strikes on terror. They see – and they understand it.”

Residents of towns in the Mateh Asher Local Council have been requested to enter their protected spaces.

On Tuesday night, US President Joe Biden sent a message to Hezbollah, warning, “Let me say again, any country, any organization, anyone thinking of taking advantage of this situation, I have one word: Don’t. Don’t.”