Tiffany’s Cabaret Show in Pattaya


Tiffany’s Cabaret Show in Pattaya

In addition to its beautiful temples, inspiring culture and amazing cuisine, Thailand is also famous for some things that are perhaps less publicly celebrated.

Tiffany's Cabaret Show in Pattaya

Indeed, Thailand’s large population of transvestites, known locally as ladyboys or katoeys, is one thing for which the country, Bangkok and Pattaya in particular, are quite famous.

A testament to the openness and tolerance of Thai people, the proliferation of ladyboys has resulted in the development of a large entertainment industry of ladyboy shows, and probably the most famous of these is the Tiffany’s Cabaret Show Pattaya.

The show advertises itself as the “original” ladyboy show in Thailand. It traces its history back to a one-man-show that was put on in 1974. Since those humble days it has blossomed into something truly incredible. Nowadays, Tiffany’s performers put on bombastic productions, full of light and sounds and colors.

Tiffany’s Cabaret Show Pattaya runs three shows nightly, every single night of the year. With a wide variety of productions put on as well, there is sure to be something to meet every taste. Current shows have themes that run from the Nine Jewels (a traditional Thai story, complete with elaborate costumes) to productions which take cues and themes from classical Korea or Tsarist Russia. In all, whatever production one sees they can be sure it will be done with style and flair, creating a lasting impression and stories to tell for years.

Ladyboy Shows in Pattaya

Prices for the Tiffany’s Cabaret Show Pattaya are the same compared to other entertainment venues, and generally are good value for the money. The different seating zones offer those who want to be front and center a chance to see the performance up close and personal. Those who want to save some money, or perhaps are not as gung-ho about the experience, might want to sit further back and take in the show a little more passively.

Those going to the show will find a number of interesting gifts and souvenirs they can pick up, and will particularly enjoy the chance to meet and take pictures with the performers after the show. This part is always especially eye-opening as it gives guests the chance to truly see the ladyboys up close.

Those headed to the region in the mood for some adventurous ladyboy fun in Pattaya that they could not see at home, would do well to check out Tiffany’s Cabaret Show Pattaya. It is definitely a Pattaya institution, and a great show to boot!