Benghazi Survivor Calls Hillary Clinton ‘One of the Most Disgusting Humans on the Planet’ – WATCH

Benghazi Survivor Calls Hillary Clinton ‘One of the Most Disgusting Humans on the Planet’ – WATCH

Benghazi Survivor, Mark “Oz” Geist, who was a key figure from the CIA Annex Security Team present during the 2012 Benghazi attack, described Hillary Clinton as a” disgusting” human being during a recent episode of “The Shawn Ryan Show.”

“It was, once again, one of the most incompetent times of American leadership,” Ryan commented. “And, um, I know it strikes a chord with you. I can’t even imagine.”

Ryan highlighted the horrific nature of the 2012 assault on the U.S. mission and diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.

He detailed how Geist was shot 22 times and managed to save numerous lives.

The tragic event ended in the deaths of four Americans, notably then-U.S. Ambassador to Libya, John Christopher Stevens.

“I think, at the time [Obama got elected]—and this is the opinion of Mark Geist—Hillary Clinton saw her chance to put together a coalition and go after ‘the bad guy,’” Geist remarked, alluding to the then-Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

“That’s when Ambassador Stevens… in 2011, was pushed into Benghazi, along with a team to put together the coalition of militias to fight against Gaddafi,” he added.

The Benghazi survivor said Hillary Clinton orchestrated a coalition comprising foreign nations such as Germany, Italy, France, and the U.S., among others.

Geist recalled, “I remember hearing that Gaddafi’s sons, this was in 2011, were in D.C. trying to negotiate with the U.S. to allow their father to exile to a third country.”


Geist said he believed Clinton had ulterior motives., suggesting that she aimed to establish a strong platform for her 2016 presidential run.

Geist said he believed Clinton wanted to boast about her achievements, primarily specifically in toppling a nation and eliminating one of the world’s most notorious figures.
“Hillary Clinton is one of the most disgusting human beings on the planet,” Ryan declared.
“Very much so,” Geist concurred. “She’s worse than her husband.”
The 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack targeted two American government facilities in Benghazi, Libya. C
Then-Secretary of State Clinton later accepted responsibility for the security of Americans abroad, acknowledging bureaucratic oversights.
Geist was a pivotal military contractor who rescued 25 Americans during the attack.