How Trump Managed to Keep the World at Peace During His Presidency


Trump champions war-free presidency, condemns rigged election, vows Ukraine resolution.

Politics is a dirty game, and Trump doesn’t shy away from playing hardball. He boasts that his presidency avoided wars, setting it apart from today’s global tensions.

“You have to fight fire with fire. Politics is a dirty game.”

“We had no wars when I was president. That’s a big thing. Not since 78 years has that happened, but we had no wars. When I was president, we defeated ISIS, but they were that was a war that was started that we weren’t anywhere near defeating. But think of it. I had no wars.”

He argues that the 2020 election was rigged and advocates for a return to traditional voting methods. He also claims the Ukraine war could have been prevented under his leadership if Democrats had not interfered with the 2020 election.

“The Ukraine war is a war that shouldn’t have happened. It’s terrible look. Biden is the worst president in the history of our country, and she’s probably worse than him. That’s something that should have never happened, but it did happen, and now it’s a much tougher deal to make than it would have been before it started.”

Running for president, he says, demands not just business savvy but also unshakable courage, making it a rare and daunting challenge.

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How Trump Managed to Keep the World at Peace During His Presidency